Activists stop work on gas pipe line Alltwen, Wales

16th Jan ’07 – At 9am this morning a construction site in Alltwen was stormed by activists, climbing cranes and locking-on with d-locks by their necks. Work was stopped on the controversial LNG pipeline for five and a half hours, adding to the list of recent delays.

Alltwen pipeline protest16th Jan ’07 – At 9am this morning a construction site in Alltwen was stormed by activists, climbing cranes and locking-on with d-locks by their necks. Work was stopped on the controversial LNG pipeline for five and a half hours, adding to the list of recent delays.
The protesters this morning were met with aggression, one had her camera snatched and damaged, whilst others were threatened with violence. After one activist climbed a crane, locked on by his neck, the operator of the crane then decided to move the crane about, seriously endangering the activist’s life – watch the video (video/x-ms-wmv 4.3MB).
Also construction workers initially kept on using heavy machinery on the site despite being advised not to due to health and safety reasons.

It is the eighth day that work has been stopped at the Trebanos camp across the valley. Support continues to grow for the campaign with more numbers getting involved daily.
The pipe, to be 115 miles long rips right through wales, having devastating effects on the welsh countryside.
This action is just a small part of a big campaign to fight the pipe!
Currently we are occupying a public footpath stopping access to the construction site in the village of Trebanos. We also have a house which is a safe base to do actions from.
Come to wales and be at the front line of britain’s eco-defence! Loads more actions
are planned and more sites too.
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