Animal Rights Gathering 2007

Last weekend saw a really successful gathering by the Animal Rights community of this Island. Although this year’s international Gathering was held in Holland, people also came from Poland, Germany, Austria and South Africa amongst other places. Many excellent workshops were held, and there was much discussion about the need to develop links between Animal Rights and the growing Eco Action movement concerned with human induced Climate Change. We in the Animal Rights community are fully aware that no matter how successful we might be, without serious action on Climate Change it matters little. We are keen, therefore, to show solidarity with all those who are committed to Direct Action in support of the Earth and all Life, and will be offering our full support to next year’s Climate Camp.

Last weekend saw a really successful gathering by the Animal Rights community of this Island. Although this year’s international Gathering was held in Holland, people also came from Poland, Germany, Austria and South Africa amongst other places. Many excellent workshops were held, and there was much discussion about the need to develop links between Animal Rights and the growing Eco Action movement concerned with human induced Climate Change. We in the Animal Rights community are fully aware that no matter how successful we might be, without serious action on Climate Change it matters little. We are keen, therefore, to show solidarity with all those who are committed to Direct Action in support of the Earth and all Life, and will be offering our full support to next year’s Climate Camp.

Unsurprisingly, the Gathering was policed in an extremely provocative and oppressive manner, culminating with a warrant enforced raid on the Sunday. Rather than lower ourselves to their level, we remained calm and applauded them on and off the site. For once they almost seemed embarrassed by their own behaviour. Anyway it didn’t stop us from having a purposeful and pleasurable time, and we all return to our campaigns renewed and reinvigorated.

A special mention to support the SHAC march in Huntingdon on 10th November, the first time we have been able to protest in Huntingdon for some years. The barbaric practice of vivisection, surely the most obvious example of humanity’s callous disregard for all other life, must be brought to an end. It is a chance to show support for the SHAC three, Gregg and Natasha Avery and Heather Nicholson, in prison now for six months, with no trial due till next June at the earliest, and political prisoners of this government’s determination to show that money matters more than lives. The police are threatening to try to limit the numbers to five hundred, let’s show them what protest means. Please support it if you can, details from