anti-GM action at Tesco Belfast

Gathering Momentum for the fight against biotech in our food chain

Tesco Metro, on Belfast?s Royal Avenue, had its labelling improved by anti-GM protestors on Saturday morning (23rd April). The additional labels warned consumers about the potential Genetically Modified content of meat and dairy products in store.

Gathering Momentum for the fight against biotech in our food chain

Tesco Metro, on Belfast?s Royal Avenue, had its labelling improved by anti-GM protestors on Saturday morning (23rd April). The additional labels warned consumers about the potential Genetically Modified content of meat and dairy products in store.

GM produce has been thoroughly rejected by the general public – however, it is still entering our food chain and being sold in shops across the UK. Dairy and meat products on our shelves today have been produced using GM animal feeds. There are no measures in place to trace these products, there is no labelling to warn consumers – none!

The protestors surreptitiously stickered dozens of meat and dairy
products, then (less surreptitiously) donned white bio-hazard suits, handed out leaflets and talked to shoppers in the aisles. This riled the somewhat irksome security guard, who helped the protestors safely find their way to the exits. (Perhaps he was a little tetchy following the successful fire-bombing of a Tesco Metro in Bristol on Thursday night??).

This simple and easy protest action reminds us that the GM issue has not gone away. Monsanto and other agri-business corporations want to own our stomachs. We need to be aware of which food products are made using Genetic Modification so that we can avoid them ? with no legislation to warn of GM animal feeds, we are vulnerable to consuming food that is potentially (seriously) harmful.

See also