Anti-nuclear activists claims major victory in mass trespass

8 October 2012

At least eight protesters have been arrested during a mass trespass at the Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset.

More than 50 people swooped on the perimeter fence of the land earmarked for two new EPR mega-reactors next to the existing power plant just after dawn.

8 October 2012

At least eight protesters have been arrested during a mass trespass at the Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset.

More than 50 people swooped on the perimeter fence of the land earmarked for two new EPR mega-reactors next to the existing power plant just after dawn.

Dozens fanned out around the 5-miles long fence while others held banners and placards outside the main security gate. A 14-foot banner reading, “Nuclear disaster zone. Boycott EDF” was hung across the gate.

At 11am a total of 577 seed balls were thrown over the fence onto the construction area in a symbolic attempt to repair the damage already caused to the land. The seed balls represent the number of days since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

Around 10 people are known to be still on the land owned by EDF Energy. Many others are expected to join them later on today.

The mood has been relaxed and celebratory. “This is a major victory for the anti-nuclear movement,” said Camilla Berens, spokesperson for the Stop New Nuclear Alliance. ‘Because the government has refused to listen to us and we have been forced to raise the game. We have successfully blockaded the main entrance to Hinkley Point on two occasion in the last year and now we have accomplished a mass trespass. Our message today is that we will continue to raise the game with peaceful protest until our voice in heard.”

More info at Stop New Nuclear and Stop Hinkley