Arizona, US: Vivisector and mining executive visted at home

“Tucson Vivisector Katalin Gothard and Rosemont mining scumbag Kathy Arnold get a special home visit from Tucson H.A.A.N.D! (Hooligans Attack At Night Duh!) agents of change. Solidarity dedication with those four recently arrested

“Tucson Vivisector Katalin Gothard and Rosemont mining scumbag Kathy Arnold get a special home visit from Tucson H.A.A.N.D! (Hooligans Attack At Night Duh!) agents of change. Solidarity dedication with those four recently arrested

Beneath a security blanket of darkness during the early morning hours of Friday, February 20, Tucson H.A.A.N.D. (Hooligans Attack At Night Duh!) visited the homes of University of Arizona Vivisector Katalin M. Gothard and Rosemont Copper (RC) Director of Environmental & Regulatory Affairs Kathy Arnold.

We chose Kathy Arnold because of all her work she does with RC as their Director of Environmental & Regulatory Affairs. RC is attempting to mine in the beautiful Santa Rita Mountains for copper. We say no mine thank you!
Mining in the Santa Ritas would threaten numerous species, plants and sensitive wild areas. Mining for copper to build solar panels is a false solution and unacceptable. The Santa Ritas are part of the Sky Island Region a Biological Hotspot home to 404 bird species, 117 reptile species, 26 amphibian species, thousands of plant species. A number of these species are endemic to this region. The Santa Ritas should never be home to a mine.

Dear Kathy destroying the land of wild animals and plants for more ingredients of a larger Infrastructure nightmare is no way to live. You should know that our environment is no place for you to hold your twisted affairs! We slashed your tire so that maybe you will think of the Mountain Lions and Black Bears that live where you want to build a mine. We bet the etching cream on the window of your house will leave a lasting impression of our visit. Maybe the cost of replacing it will make you think twice about the lasting irreplaceable costs your companies proposed mine would inflict on the Santa Ritas.

Katalin Gothard is an assistant Professor (Vivisector) within the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine Life Sciences in North Room 327 of the University of Arizona Tucson, her Phone # is (520) 626-1448. Her Email is
Her home addy is [removed by Indybay]. Her home # is [removed by Indybay].
Katalin makes a living by performing research on rhesus monkeys. Her research procedures involve screwing metal plates into the monkey’s skulls and affixing magnetic search coils to their eyes. After these medical procedures are performed she then trains the monkeys to tolerate head immobilization and to fixate on objects presented on a computer monitor.
What the fuck type of demented mind could do such a thing? Apparently, Katalin Gothard and her cohorts.

To the sound of Coyotes howling in the mountains we lifted the utility cover to your water in front of your house, turned the water off and the poured in cement to make sure it stayed off for a damn long time! We bet it’s a little harder to wash the blood off your hands and scrub away all those thoughts of torturing monkeys all day long huh Katalin. If you insist on working, get a real job!

Kathy, stay the fuck away from our mountains you sick fuck! Katalin, Leave the monkeys alone (your a sick fuck too)!

We dedicate this action to our four CA comrades in the fight against vivisection that were arrested the same day.

Y’all fools can keep trying to stop us by throwing us in jail. Cause you can’t lock up Revolutionary Solidarity for the land and Animals, duh!”