Arson attacks on luxury/railway cars, construction machines and airport fencing, Germany

26/01/09: Again cars torched

Direct Action Germany: 8th-26th January
Direct Action Germany: 8th-26th January Direct Action Germany: 8th-26th January
Direct Action Germany: 8th-26th January
26/01/09: Again cars torched
22/01/09: Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)
19/01/09: External fence property of the police damaged
14/01/09: Three upperclass cars burned
10/01/09: Two cars and a moto burned down
09/01/09: Unknown persons set construction machines in flames


Again cars torched

Berlin, 25 of January 2009

Again arsons attacks in Friedrichshain.
In the night to Sunday, three cars got burned.
In the Eldenaerstr. a Porsche Cayenne got torched, together with a Golf parked next to it.
A few minutes later, a passer-by discovered a burning DHL vehicle in the Thaerstr.
The state security took up the investigations.

Source: Berliner Zeitung


Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)

Berlin, 22 of January 2009

a claim we received:

„Attack the handymen of the nuclear-lobby

Before the Castor’s transport 2008 took place, several railways line have been sabotaged through hookclaws in France and Germany. Shortly afterwards, 9 comrades have been arrested in France, accused of membership within a terrorist organization and of being responsible of the sabotages.
One of them is still in prison.

It is not a new thing, that in France one inprison activist upon antiterror laws. Already in January 2008, it came to the imprisonment of five persons, described by cops and press as part of the „ultraleftists, anarcho-autonomen“ movement, and they are waiting since then for their trial, in the dungeons of the french justice.

Such a way of proceeding seems to be a strong trend within european authorities responsible for the security issues. Also the german state security works a lot on its terrorist-construction, which newly landed in a trial against alleged members of the Militant Group.
In Greece, 13 youths are sitting in prison since the beginning of the December insurrection, also confronted with the antiterror paragraph.

That is why on the 22 of January we torched 5 cars of the Deutsche Bahn during the action week for the Tarnac 9.

As long as the Deutsche Bahn will keep on offering its railways for the nuclear transport, they will remain always a target of our protest.

Solidarity means attack

a few „ultra-leftists-anarcho-autonome“.“

More pictures here:


External fence property of the police damaged

Frankfurt’s airport, 19 of January 2009

Monday the 19.1.09 one reckoned that unknown persons damaged the external fence put by the police had been seriously damaged, precisely on its northern and western side.

The amount of the damage is quite high.

Tuesday the 20.1.09, a group, which is clearly against the expansion of the airport and calls itself „frankfurt’s general sweeping blow“ (n.t.: wordgame in german, the group name is almost the same as the one of the most important frankfurt’s newspaper), took responsability for the attack by sending a claim.
Solidarity with the „frankfurt’s common sweeping blow“!



Three upperclass cars burned

Berlin, 14 of January 2008

Three cars have been destroyed by arson on the early hours of wednesday.
A passer byer notice a mercedes burning in the Wienerstr. (Kreuzberg) around 2.20am and called the cops. The firebrigade came to extinguish the fire, the car got seriously damaged though.

At Michaelkirchplatz, Mitte, a bmw burned around 3.15am.
Just 100m faraway, in Leuschnerdamm, Kreuzberg, another bmw burned. The fire brigade extinguished both fires. The cops suspect a political motivation behind the actions, state security investigates.

Source: Tagespiegel


Two cars and a moto burned down

Berlin, 10 of January 2009

Unknown person set last night a car and a moto on fire, in the Gethsemanestraße. The moto was a bmw, an opel car parked next got also damaged. Few minuted later, cops reckoned that an audi parked in the area was also in flames.

Since cops believe a political motivation behind the facts, state security investigates.

Source: Tagespiegel


Unknown persons set construction machines in flames

Berlin, 9 of January 2009

Unknown persons set up several construction machines in flames, it happened on a construction site in Pankow.
Inhabitants saw the flames on the spot, sited in the Richard-Ermisch-straße and called the cops.
A digger and two radlader got burned. State securtiy investigates, since a political motivation is believed, there is no trace of the authors.

Source: ddp

infos about the construction site:

Note for english speaking persons: several luxurious houses are being build on this spot, close to an area where several houseprojects are located.


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