Attacks against luxury cars in Germany

04/01/2009: Again two upperclass cars burned, Berlin

Direct Action Germany: 24th Dec - 4th Jan Direct Action Germany: 24th Dec - 4th Jan
Direct Action Germany: 24th Dec - 4th Jan Direct Action Germany: 24th Dec - 4th Jan 04/01/2009: Again two upperclass cars burned, Berlin
02/01/2009: Again another car burned down, Berlin
31/12/2008: 7 upperclass cars torched, Berlin
25/12/2008: Five posh cars damaged in Kreuzberg, Berlin


Again two upperclass cars burned

Berlin 4th January 2009

The series of politically motivated arsons on cars keeps on going also in the new year.

In the night to sunday, two upperclass cars have been torched in Friedrichshain. In the Pettenkoferstr. a mercedes SLK went on flames shortly after midnight. Around 2am, another car, a BMW X5 went on flames around Frankfurter Tor. The state security took up the investigation.

Within last year, the police registered 87 politically motivated arson attacks, from which 67 have been on cars. About 98 cars have been damaged on the end from such arsons.

Source: Tagesspiegel


Again another car burned down

Berlin, 2nd January 2009

The series of burned car keeps on. On the early hours of friday, a car of the upperclass has been burned in the Christinenstr. in Prenzlauerberg, as the police reports.
Since one cannot exclude a political motivation behind it, state security took up the investigations.

Source: Berliner Zeitung


7 upperclass cars torched

Berlin, 31st December 2008

It is dangerous for cardrivers to park in Berlin.
Just a night before new year’s eve, several cars went on flames in three different distrcits of thw city. No trace of responsibles, state security investigates.

Unknown persons set up seven upperclass cars in flames. In the districts of Mitte, Friedrichshain and Prenzlauerberg, about 15 cars have been therefore damaged.

Inhabitants alarmed the cops around 2am having seen a car in flames in the Zionkirschestr.
Shortly afterwards, another car went off in the Fehrberlinerstr., while its flames daamges four cars parked nearby. Two further cars went on flames in the Ruppiner/corner Rheinsbergerstr. and in the Swinemünderstr, two cars parked nearby got also damaged.

Also in the Kastanienallee a car was set on fire, damaging a car parked nearby. In the Seumestr. and in the Krautstr. in Friedrichshain, two ore cars went on flames, damaging one other parked nearby.

Source: Tagesspiegel


Five posh cars damaged in Kreuzberg

Berlin, 25th December 2008

Five posh cats have been damaged by unknwon persons on the 25th December, along the Paul-Licke-Ufer in Kreuzberg.
Witnesses found out that the tires of three mercedes and a bmw have been slashed off, while a jaguar have been painted with orange color.

„The cars were parked almost next to each other“, said a police spokesperson.
One of the mercedes had all its tires slashed off. Just few days before there has been an attack against a condo project, Carl Loft, very close to the place where the cars were parked at.

Source: Tagesspiegel


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