Balcombe anti-fracking protests update days 25-39

Day 37 (Fri 30th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Update (10:30am): One protector arrested defending Sussex from fracking.

Update (9:30am): Police trying to force fracking truck through community blokade.


Day 34 (Tues 26th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Day 37 (Fri 30th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Update (10:30am): One protector arrested defending Sussex from fracking.

Update (9:30am): Police trying to force fracking truck through community blokade.


Day 34 (Tues 26th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Update (5:00pm): One protector arrested today as police continue to force fracking trucks through the blockade for Cuadrilla.

Update (10:30am): First fracking truck of the day.


Day 28 (Wed 21st) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Update (3pm): All Protectors who were in Crawley Magistrates Court today have been given bail conditions that allow them to return to the camp.

Update (1pm): Forest camp evicted by police.

Update (12pm): Police are trying to illegally evict (without a court order) the forest camp (smaller camp in woodland next to the Cuadrilla rig site, not main camp on grass verge) at Balcombe. Come support the community!


Day 27 (Tue 20th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Update (10:40am): Another fracking truck being blocked.

Update (9:30am): Fracking truck forced through community blockade by police. One Protector arrested.


Days 25/26 – the Reclaim the Power blockade and more updates/photos here