Bath Party against Petrol report

Saturday 21st April. The Party Against Petrol crowd gathered in Bath Abbey at midday to begin what would have been a colourful and noisy protest against car culture and fossil fuels, intending to occupy Lower Bristol Road and the Esso station forecourt there. Around 25-30 activists turned up, and the police, themselves numbering 30 or more, with mounted police again, imposed conditions on the procession: march round the Abbey for 30 mins, then disperse.

Saturday 21st April. The Party Against Petrol crowd gathered in Bath Abbey at midday to begin what would have been a colourful and noisy protest against car culture and fossil fuels, intending to occupy Lower Bristol Road and the Esso station forecourt there. Around 25-30 activists turned up, and the police, themselves numbering 30 or more, with mounted police again, imposed conditions on the procession: march round the Abbey for 30 mins, then disperse.

Well, we did as were told, marched round the Abbey, drumming and dancing and playing football, returned and dispersed… only to form up again and continue the parade, flowing through the police lines easily. Handed out leaflets, spoke to passersby, meanwhile, the highly trained police were overheard arguing with each other, throwing out blame for their lack of control, right in front of the shoppers and tourists. The street party parade came to a close at Victoria Park, amidst picnic and sunbathing, under the police’s watchful eye.

This unseasonably hot April, whilst good for sunbathers, is probably nothing to do with climate change.

Despite the heavy handed police harrassment and intimidation we’ve had so far, with various people being repeatedly stopped and questioned throughout the city, with A4 checkpoints and trains station searches on the Thursday, tomorrow should see a free kitchen, freeshop stall, workshop on recycling junk into useful stuff, and litterpick, meeting in Bath at midday. To find us, ring 07800 583011.