BBVA pours more blood

Last march 16th activists from Bilbao belonging to environmentalist, anti-militarist, internationalist groups and trade-unions protested outside BBVA’s AGM. BBVA is a Bilbao bank which has grown to nº 66 of the Forbes list as most powerful transnational in the world. The Platform against BBVA denounces BBVA’s funding of arms manufacturing and exportation as well as very destructive projects and companies: nuclear plants, dams, oil and gas pipes, extraction, mines and quarries, etc. all over the world but mainly in Latin America. In the last year BBVA has also been involved in the eviction of families unable to pay their mortgage, finding organized resistance. Meanwhile BBVA launches face-washing propaganda to pretend caring for environment, being responsible, etc., which is pure demagogy. That’s why, once again, as it has happened in the last 5 years, five activists poured red paint down their head, symbolizing BBVA’s bloody businesses. The activists manage to pass the police cordon while round 100 more held a vigil. They got the attention of the media holding a press conference right in the access to Euskalduna Palace, venue for BBVA’s AGM.  No one was arrested but just charged with criminal damage.


You can find more information, pictures and videos at the Platform’s site: