Be inspired – take action – get involved

“What [the people in power] can’t live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time.” – Noam Chomsky

Be inspired by the stories on these pages of people taking radical direct action to stop the trashing of the earth. There’s the upcoming food & climate day of action, on 3rd June, plus a Mass Trespass at an open-cast coal mine site, in Derbyshire, on 26th May.

But that’s not all – people have been taking ecological direct action on a whole load of issues here in the UK and further afield. Check them out here, by region or issue.

This year’s EF! Summer Gathering (or follow the link to the left) is from Wednesday 27th August to Monday 1st September 2008, if you want to plot & plan, and laugh & chat with old friends & new.

EF! fist on green & black star“What [the people in power] can’t live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time.” – Noam Chomsky

Be inspired by the stories on these pages of people taking radical direct action to stop the trashing of the earth. There’s the upcoming food & climate day of action, on 3rd June, plus a Mass Trespass at an open-cast coal mine site, in Derbyshire, on 26th May.

But that’s not all – people have been taking ecological direct action on a whole load of issues here in the UK and further afield. Check them out here, by region or issue.

This year’s EF! Summer Gathering (or follow the link to the left) is from Wednesday 27th August to Monday 1st September 2008, if you want to plot & plan, and laugh & chat with old friends & new.

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.” – Anthony Robbins

At the winter moot in Nottingham, people got together and inspired each other to take action. Some people got together with others in their areas and formed new groups – contact them if they’re nearby, or get your own ecological direct action group together. Give us a shout if you need a hand.

“The time for networking is over, the time for evidence is over. There is only time for action. No more spectators, only players.” – Bill Mollison