Beat the Boreholes! Stop Shell Hell in Mayo this Summer!

Stop Shell Hell in Mayo in 2010.
A continuous mass act of civil disobedience is planned against Shell this Summer in Mayo, Ireland.

rossport solidarity camp
Stop Shell Hell in Mayo in 2010.
A continuous mass act of civil disobedience is planned against Shell this Summer in Mayo, Ireland.
Shell plan to drill up to 80 boreholes to survey the Sruth Fhada Chonn estuary for their proposed raw gas pipeline. We plan to stop them! Work will start in July & continue till mid-October. The idea is that groups or individuals pledge to stop a borehole at a some time this summer. Actions could range from walking out on the sands to boarding drilling rigs. The aim is to get each of the 80 boreholes assigned a Beat the Borehole group. Between local groups, national Shell to Sea groups, other supportive political groups, groups from abroad, student groups, surfers, kayakers we might just do it! The project is already a decade late and three times over budget; impressive for a small community fighting one of the biggest multinationals in the world!

Why Stop the boreholes?
Shell plan to build a tunnel at a cost of 100million euro under the estuary linking up the offshore pipeline with the refinery. This new route avoids land at Rossport where 5 local men were sent to jail for opposing Shell 5 years ago. The new route is still close to several houses & crosses protected habitats including salt marsh, inter-tidal mud flats & blanket bog. The boreholes are to provide a survey of the estuary to determine the final plans for the tunnel. Due to the tides, & seasonal nature of the job any disruption to work will slow the process down & could prevent them getting an adequate survey done this year. They have to stop in mid-Oct on the arrival of the Brent Geese. The estuary is a Specially Protected Area & part of the Broadhaven bay Special Area of Conservation; protected under EU legislation. The operation will damage parts of the estuary & disturb the wildlife there, particularly Atlantic salmon,otters & several species of birds.

Information about the drilling operation
Each borehole will take 2.5 days & up to 4 a week could be made. They will be drilling from 7am-7pm every week day but not at weekends. There will be movement of barges & personnel outside these hours. Two jack-up barges will be working at once in the estuary.

Ideas for Action
We are asking people to come to Mayo & pledge to Beat a Borehole! Here are some ideas for action:

* Walk out on the sands at low tide to the drilling rigs.
* Stop the machines driving over the beach/mudflat areas
* Have a picnic & hold banners on the beach.
* Row out to the rigs in currachs & try & get in the way.
* Kayak in our inflatables out to the rigs & get in the way ( (training session essential, but as long as you can swim anyone can learn).
* Board the drilling rigs.
* Block the boats with nets.
* Disrupt the flow of personnel/equipment from Ballyglass pier

The Solidarity Camp is situated on land right next to the estuary. Everyone is welcome to stay here & we can provide equipment/training if required. There is also a camp house & a local hostel nearby if camping isn’t for you!
If you would like to pledge to Beat a Borehole please email/ring the camp +353(851141170) For more information about Shell in Mayo see