(Belgium) Brussels – Top executive ExxonMobil Nicholas Mockford shot dead

15/10/2012: BRUSSELS – Sunday night a top executive of the petro-chemical company ExxonMobil was shot dead in the street in Neder-over-Heembeek, near Brussels. Nicholas Mockford was shot in the head twice, when he and his wife were leaving an Italian restaurant around 22h. Witnesses saw two men running away carrying a motorcycle helmet.

The man died on the way to the hospital. His wife Mary was beaten and covered in blood. Police and DA’s office are saying that at this point they aren’t excluding any possibilities, from a hit to a carjacking gone wrong. Although the violence used appears to be disproportionate for a carjacking, especially knowing that the killers left the Lexus ATV behind.
Investigators are doing everything they can to locate the perpetrators. They are going through his work at his firm in the hope of finding a clue. ExxonMobil is the company that owns Esso, Mobil and Exxon gas stations.