bikesnotcars am*dam july3,4,5

In the weekend of july 4th we declare a war on cars. In this weekend there will be a bike festival in Amsterdam. On different locations events, workshops, info stands, fun & games, parties, and direct actions to block and frustrate the traffic will be held. Cars lead to pollution, climate change, deaths and injuries.

In the weekend of july 4th we declare a war on cars. In this weekend there will be a bike festival in Amsterdam. On different locations events, workshops, info stands, fun & games, parties, and direct actions to block and frustrate the traffic will be held. Cars lead to pollution, climate change, deaths and injuries. They are a nuisance, and are dominating the public space.Where the public space is not designed to facilitate the ever consuming shopping frenzy and industry it is designed to please fossil-fuel-traffic.

The program of the bike fest in amsterdam july 3rd, 4th and 5th is out…

Friday, ijsbaanpad 12, amsterdam
– opportunity for those without a bike to fix one
– banner painting
in the evening soup and a band

– 14.00h critical mass, museum square, sith bikepolo and slowbiking on the way
– 19.00h ijsbaanpad, voku, folowed by bands:
de fatwas
de reclassering
and one more band

– infomarket
– workshops
– cargo bike race
– tall bike jousting

please dont bring your dogs to ijsbaanpad

there is a place for sleeping but bring a matres and sleepingbag

to bring list:
bed + sleepingbag
basic repairkit
no id
no dogs

see you there