27/11/14 – camp eviction:
Bailiffs have arrived a tBorras & Holt Protection Camp which has been under threat of eviction for several days.
Police have also blocked off road access to the anti-fracking camp.
Borras Road near Wrexham has been blocked since 9am, with the police reported to have arrived on site at 8.30am.
Locals also turned up to support protesters this morning expressing further serious concerns over the environmental impact of unconventional underground gas extraction. About 13 police officers were by the camp, monitoring proceedings while Baliffs got to work dismantling the structures.
At one point, a 'Legal Observer' tried to get over the fence into the camp on a number of occasions but was man-handled back over the gate by Baliffs. Eventually he was led away by police and arrested for Breach of the Peace.
After about 5 hours, all protectors were removed from the camp, and a new one was set up across the road!