Bristol Cycle Circus 8th December

Join a colourful critical mass of people and peddlers of all shapes and sizes and let our cycling circus upstage and reveal Bristol’s climate criminals.

Roll up Roll Up:

Calling all : bicycle tricksters, bike powered gizmos, jugglers, banner makers, poets, storytellers, mobile musicians, performers.

Join a colourful critical mass of people and peddlers of all shapes and sizes and let our cycling circus upstage and reveal Bristol’s climate criminals.

Roll up Roll Up:

Calling all : bicycle tricksters, bike powered gizmos, jugglers, banner makers, poets, storytellers, mobile musicians, performers.

Lets bring the reality and causes of climate change to our streets..

Meet: College Green, 1pm
8th December

International day of action on climate change

We want to take creative action on climate chaos! We invite you to join us on our Cycle Circus where together we will reveal the climate criminals with their confidence tricks and green wash.

Our first stage will be The Royal Bank of Scotland where last month saw 30 actions in the UK on this biggest investor of oil and gas projects, they haven’t gone away and nor have we.

The next stage is up to us all. Talk, share ideas, plan ,prepare, turn up, transform!

Climate change is the biggest issue of our time effecting everyone and most of all the poor. We can take back control together, create the world we want to live in and have fun along the way! Lets take the stage of those who green wash our streets and our minds to make us think its all better. Picture this, people taking to the streets because enough is enough, no more exploitation! Our planet’s on the brink of ecological crisis and we won’t let corporations get away with our world.

Lets halt the infrastructure of more fossil fuel projects locking us into a future of climate chaos and that offer big buck high tech non-solutions.

Bristol Rising Tide is an open group making collective action dedicated to tackling the root causes of climate chaos and creating climate justice. We want to invite people to join this international day of action on climate change.