Bunbury – College Grove protesters stop machines for the day

14 April 2008 – College Grove protesters stop machines for the day: Protesters accuse police of using excessive force…
The fourth day of actions by protesters brought work to a halt for the day.

The battle for the forest at College Grove is set to continue for some time to come…

Bunbury digger surrounded14 April 2008 – College Grove protesters stop machines for the day: Protesters accuse police of using excessive force…
The fourth day of actions by protesters brought work to a halt for the day.

The battle for the forest at College Grove is set to continue for some time to come…

MORE: Protesters accuse police of using excessive force – 11 April 2008

Activists from the College Grove protest in Bunbury have lodged a formal complaint to the Bunbury police regarding an incident in the forest on 9 April 2008. STORY: http://www.radicalhack.com/gwfag/video/violence.htm

Many people have been shocked to witness on both GWN and WIN news a police officer hitting a none violent protester several times directly in front of his supervising officer.

Questions remain to be answered. Firstly, whilst acknowledging and respecting the professionalism and responsible actions of the majority of police officers present, it is only reasonable to ask; was this force applied by one of the police officers in the news footage, necessary to maintain law and order?

Secondly, will the authorities find ways to make this look like the police officer was in the right or will these bully tactics be properly and adequately addressed?

Click here to view the news footage – GWN at normal speed and WIN in slow motion: http://www.radicalhack.com/gwfag/video/violence.wmv

White Crosses bear witness to bulldozed bushland – 12 April 2008:

The Bunbury community has laid dozens of white crosses on land at College Grove that has been bulldozed by LandCorp.

Simon Peterffy, a spokesperson for the College Grove Forest Rescue group said that the crosses were a symbol of the death of the forest. “The bushland at College Grove was a high conservation area, home to the endangered Western Ringtail possum and loved by many people”, he said. “LandCorp has destroyed some of the bush and are planning to destroy more”. “We have asked the community to hammer in a white cross as a symbol of respect for the bush”.

He said that people could bear witness to the destruction that had occurred to a valuable part of Bunbury’s natural heritage. ‘We must be able to show our respect’, he said.

Councillor Brendan Kelly said that the effort by protesters to try to stop the destruction was to be admired. “These rogue developers must realize that they have to stop”, he said. LandCorp has cleared about 3 acres out of 7 to date but are planning to develop nearly 100 acres.

Councillor Kelty said that the world had changed and developers needed to know that their activities are no longer acceptable.

MEDIA Contact: Simon 0422540756 Brendan 0407219515

See photos, video and more information here: