Buy Nothing Day (Bristol, Birmingham, Falmouth, Leeds, Lincoln, Sheffield…) – Steal Something Day (everywhere)

Bristol: To buy, or not to buy…

Saturday November 28th is Buy Nothing Day (UK). It’s a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping and anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!

Shop Less Live MoreBristol: To buy, or not to buy…

Saturday November 28th is Buy Nothing Day (UK). It’s a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping and anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!

Everything we buy has an impact on the environment. Buy Nothing Day highlights the environmental and ethical consequences of shopping. The developed countries – only 20% of the world population are consuming over 80% of the earth’s natural resources, causing a disproportionate level of environmental damage and an unfair distribution of wealth.

As consumers we need to question the products we buy and challenge the companies who produce them. What are the true risks to the environment and developing countries? The argument is infinite – while it continues we should be looking for simple solutions and Buy Nothing Day is a good place to start.

As last year’s buy nothing day was a huge success in the city centre, we will be doing the same event again – a free shop, where people can take away things for free. We will be right at the heart of the mad shopping world that is Broadmead.

Helping people think about the material world we live in, and making conscious decisions in the way we exploit the world, its people and the natural resources.

Bring musical instruments, things to give away in the free shop, chalk, and your lovely self!

Hope to see you there.

Happy 10th Buy Nothing Day!

Buy Nothing Day started in North America in the early 90’s and has grown to an international day celebrated in over 50 countries. The Buy Nothing Day UK website went online in January 2000. We’re not quite 10 years old, but on November 28th Buy Nothing Day will be just 10 days young – another reason to celebrate the frugal festival.


Birmingham: We are holding our 8th annual Santa Parade in Birmingham City Centre for Buy Nothing Day on 28th November at 12:00 noon. Email: joe (at) For last years parade click here.


Free Shop
Kernow Action Now! a new direct action group in Cornwall will be launching what will become a regular Freeshop on Buy Nothing Day. The Freeshop will be from 1pm outside the old Woolworths in Falmouth, Cornwall.



Buy Nothing Day is trying to make people think about the goods they buy – think before you shop!  We are NOT asking you to go without milk if you run out. Instead, before you buy think about where things come from, how they got here, what resources were used to make them and: do you REALLY need them?

The idea is to encourage people that instead of buying something for Christmas they could make something (see our alternative Christmas gifts for ideas).  There is so much advertising saying BUY THIS we thought that there should be some saying BUY NOTHING.

Last year we had Christmas Carols, a free shop, food and all for free in Briggate.  Lots of people interested in the concept and lots of cups of tea.

Join us.

See website below for meetings or come to Briggate – 11am



My Dads Strip Club out again on Buy-Nothing-Day-Release, this time three events in three days in the city of Lincoln.

Thurs 26 Nov 2009 8-10pm Dog and Bone, St Johns St, Lincoln.
BITE THE HAND feeds thoughts of breaking conditioned responses … subverting systems upon themselves… interrupting needless consumption… and cutting off the power. Enjoy an evening at the Dog and Bone with My Dads Strip Club as they demonstrate to you ‘the art of reclaiming space’. Putting embarrassment aside, they will address the delicate subject of carnal knowledge of Coke machines. The comedy in the work runs very close to anger, and excites all kinds of stuff in on-lookers.

Fri 27 Nov 2009 5.30-7.30 pm at the Healthy Hub cafe Beaumont Fee
(after The 4pm Mini-Wave happening at the cathedral )
FROM DIRTY CASH TO CLEAN GREEN come watch us try to navigate our way out of the chaos of climate change through drawing and performance capturing the connections between slag heaps and supermodels green-washing and the titanic and our flooded out cumbrian towns. Sound by FLOTEL.

Sat 28 Nov 2009 at various locations in the city of Lincoln.
GOOD SHIT DOESN’T HAVE TO COST THE EARTH Making our annual dis-functional attempt to relate to the shopping experience MDSC will try to coerce innocent shoppers to break their addiction to mass produced poorly made products (cheap-shit) instead offering for sale alternative organic and sustainable high-priced merchandise. Meet us for a report back at the Dog and Bone pub 1pm sharp.


Lincoln Mini Wave – meet Friday 4pm outside Lincoln Cathedral. The event is in solidarity with mobilisations around the UN conference in Copenhagen
Buy Nothing Day – sabotage the shopping – Best community pub in Great Britain award 2009


Consumer Virus Outbreak, Sheffield

Meet by the statue in the main Meadowhall concourse at 1pm and do anything but shop!
We know that sweet tasty braaaains will be short supply during the run up to Christmas, but let’s see what we can do … Zombies and outbreak cleanup crew are all welcome : bring friends, costumes, signs and fake blood aplenty!!!
A facebook event page can be found here :

Steal Something Day
Steal Something Day

“…Unlike Buy Nothing Day, when people are asked to “participate by not participating,” Steal Something Day demands that we “participate by participating.” Instead of downplaying or ignoring the capitalists, CEOs, landlords, small business tyrants, bosses, PR hacks, yuppies, media lapdogs, corporate bureaucrats, politicians and cops who are primarily responsible for misery and exploitation in this world, Steal Something Day demands that we steal from them, without discrimination….

…Unlike the misplaced Buy Nothing Day notion of consumer empowerment, Steal Something Day promotes empowerment by urging us to collectively identify the greedy bastards who are actually responsible for promoting misery and boredom in this world. Instead of ignoring them, Steal Something Day encourages us to make their lives as uncomfortable as possible.

As we like to say in Montreal: diranger les riches dans leurs niches!

And remember, we’re talking about stealing, not theft. Stealing is just. Theft is exploitative. Stealing is when you take a yuppie’s BMW for a joyride, and crash into a parked Mercedes just for the hell of it. Theft is when you take candy from a baby’s mouth.

Stealing is the re-distribution of wealth from rich to poor Theft is making profits at the expense of the disadvantaged and the natural environment. Stealing is an unwritten a tax on the rich. Theft is taxing the poor to subsidize the rich. Stealing is nothing more than a tax on the rich. There is solidarity in stealing, but property is nothing but theft….”

For the full original text and call-out, go to