Call for direct action at Heathrow – website launched

Call for direct action at the Climate Camp

Activists campaigning against the impact of aviation on climate change have today released a website giving the low-down on Heathrow airport and the industries which encourage its environmentally-damaging business. They are calling on people to take non-violent direct action around the Camp for Climate Action, taking place near Heathrow in August. The website, includes details of airlines, suppliers and cargo companies based around Heathrow.

Call for direct action at the Climate Camp

Activists campaigning against the impact of aviation on climate change have today released a website giving the low-down on Heathrow airport and the industries which encourage its environmentally-damaging business. They are calling on people to take non-violent direct action around the Camp for Climate Action, taking place near Heathrow in August. The website, includes details of airlines, suppliers and cargo companies based around Heathrow.

Campaigner Joanna Maguire stated, “Look at the crazy summer weather we are having. The effects of high-level atmospheric emissions both on our climate and on the ozone layer are a serious issue and we need to take action now. The aviation industry must take on board that it is contributing to climate chaos and change is needed now. More and more businesses are offering ridiculous cheap flights for holidays and unnecessary next day deliveries around the world.”

Another activist, David Beddinton, added, “Heathrow does not exist in isolation. All these companies are profiting from cheap fuel and actively encourage the growth of flights. This has to stop and we are calling on people to take non-violent direct action to protect our futures. It needs to be hammered home that their business may be lawful, but globally they are contributing to terrible crimes against humanity. We want people to take direct action to make these companies aware that they are contributing to famine, flooding and destitution around the world.”

The website has been produced independently of the Camp for Climate Action, though it is within its policy of calling on direct action to be taken against the root causes of climate change. Their purpose is to inform people how the industry around the Heathrow works – the airport is simply the focus point of a bigger problem.

Campaigners doubt that the government or corporations are capable of making the necessary societal change to minimise the damage climate chaos is going to inflict on the earth and its inhabitants.

Visit and start getting ready for action!