Call Out: OpposeThe EDL In Birmingham 29th Oct

The EDL are to hold a demo in Victoria square, Birmingham on 29th October 12:00 – 18:00. Victoria Square is also the location of the Occupy Birmingham protest camp which could become a target for the EDL. This is a call out for people to come to Victoria Square on the 29th and defend the Occupy Birmingham camp and defend the city from the EDL.

The EDL are to hold a demo in Victoria square, Birmingham on 29th October 12:00 – 18:00. Victoria Square is also the location of the Occupy Birmingham protest camp which could become a target for the EDL. This is a call out for people to come to Victoria Square on the 29th and defend the Occupy Birmingham camp and defend the city from the EDL.

The Islamophobic & Racist Organisation The English Defence League Are Organising An Anti-Islam Demonstration In Birmingham On Saturday 29th October 2011, When The EDL Hold Their Demonstrations In Cities & Towns Across The Country It Ends Up In Mosques Being Vandalised & Innocent Muslims Including Women & Children Being Physically & Verbally Attacked, This Is Why Its Very Important For Everyone To Come & Protect The City From The… Islamophobes & Racists.

The EDL have been to Birmingham 3 times previously & have failed miserably all 3 times by getting run out of the city, it has took the EDL over 2 years to muster up some confidence to come back to Birmingham, lets make sure it ends in failure for the EDL again.