Cambridge GM Crop Trial – meeting (2nd April) & protest walk (14th April)

7.30 pm Monday 2nd April
Emmanuel United Reform Church, Trumpington St.

Michael Antoniou, reader in Molecular Genetics at Guy’s Hospital Medical School

GM free Britain - now or never7.30 pm Monday 2nd April
Emmanuel United Reform Church, Trumpington St.

Michael Antoniou, reader in Molecular Genetics at Guy’s Hospital Medical School
Helena Paul, chair of GM Freeze
Clare Oxborrow, Real Food Campaign, National Friends of the Earth

Trials of GM potatoes have been given the go-ahead to be planted from March 30th, at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in North Cambridge, on behalf of multinational firm BASF.

These are the first GM crop trial in England in the last three years.
If they go ahead unopposed it gives a green light to the biotech industry to push for further trials.

Similar trials in The Netherlands were recently stopped in the courts due to a lack of controlled testing and
environmental impact assessments. A recent application for trials in Ireland was cancelled after a public campaign
and the setting of strict conditions by the Irish government.

This meeting aims to empower people with more knowledge of the GM debate.

Organised by Cambridge GM Concern

A further date for your diary: there will be a Protest Walk on Saturday 14th April at the site of the trials. Details will be posted on Cambridge Indymedia shortly.