Cambridge Mill Road Social Centre evicted but car-park squatted

On Friday 1st around 9AM, police and bailiffs kicked down the door to the social centre and started evicting people from the premises. No advance warning was given. It goes to show that Tesco can never be trusted, as they reneged on their promise not to take possession of the building before they needed to start building.

On Friday 1st around 9AM, police and bailiffs kicked down the door to the social centre and started evicting people from the premises. No advance warning was given. It goes to show that Tesco can never be trusted, as they reneged on their promise not to take possession of the building before they needed to start building.

Tesco were obviously very confident that the previous night’s planning meeting (to allow them to build waste and airco facilities) would find in their favour. As it turned out, their application was turned down. No doubt Mill Road’s Broadway will soon sport a set of shiny metal window boards.

We cordoned off part of the car park behind the evicted mill road social centre, and are now squatting the site.

At 3:15pm today (Friday) we cordoned off part of the car park behind the evicted mill road social center, so at to make a clear boundary, and are now squatting the site. Please feel free to come and join us. As it is open air, accommodation is camping. If anyone has any spare tarpaulin they could give/lend us this would be useful.