Camp Bling back up and awaiting chainsaws – chopping on Sunday?

Important Update

Cuckoo Corner tent27.2.2010
Important Update

6pm – so far, so good at Camp Cuckoo; food donations coming in but still need more people; latest twitter updates on PPPS website below or SKIPP facebook page.

Various sources have now confirmed that the Council will be felling the trees on Priory Crescent during Sunday. The affected stretch of Priory Crescent is going to be closed to traffic between midnight and 8pm Sunday.

There will be people climbing the trees to prevent them being felled – if you feel up to it, please volunteer! We also need as many people as possible on the ground to lend support, witness the Council’s, private security and Police’s actions and so on.

Please come down to lend your support. People have been campaigning against this road widening since 1972 and it’s all coming to a head tonight.

Additional from SKIPP: Urgent notice – help needed NOW! Tree felling begins tonight in Priory Crescent, anyone who can please come down to site, your help is desperately needed, if possible please cancel what ever you are doing, it is now or never, passive or active, you can help save the trees if we act together NOW… SKIPP Committee Contact: 07799414887 – mark 07747755205 – patsy Please let us know if you can help.


After years of patient occupation and apparent victory, Southend activists have had to reoccupy land to prevent the councils new road building scheme. Evictions are expected imminently and crew are urgently needed.

Southend Borough Council has reneged on the agreement made last April with Bling and Parklife which resulted in an agreement with the residents to vacate the site.

Local Group SKIPP has since been campaigning to prevent the revised plan from becoming a reality, last week SKIPP joined force with Parklife, and Blingers to occupy a site in Priory Crescent with a view to preventing tree felling which is due in the next few days.

This morning a source within the Council informed us, that tree felling and eviction is now imminent.

Support is urgently needed, the site is situated in Priory Crescent on land adjacent to the Cuckoo Corner Roundabout; by car head into Southend using the A127, following the town centre signs, by train the nearest station is Prittlewell on the Liverpool Street Line.

(for background please refer to: / / on facebook search for Saxon King In Priory Park.

Limited accommodation is available on site in the form of tents, please bring warm clothing and harness/lock on gear if poss, same old things needed; people, climbing gear/lock on gear, herras fencing, scaff bar/clips, kit and donations.

On Friday a council meeting was halted for 20 minutes following protests over the new plans.