Camp Hope – 20/21st October vs Gloucestershire Airport expansion

Camp For Hope At Staverton Airport, Gloucestershire 20/21st October. Inspired by the Camp for Climate Action 2007 activists and local residents are organising a camp to protest the expansion of Gloucestershire Airport at Staverton. “Camp Hope” will take place at a secret location near the airport on the 20/21 October.

Gloucestershire Airport sandwich boardCamp For Hope At Staverton Airport, Gloucestershire 20/21st October. Inspired by the Camp for Climate Action 2007 activists and local residents are organising a camp to protest the expansion of Gloucestershire Airport at Staverton. “Camp Hope” will take place at a secret location near the airport on the 20/21 October.

Location is near the airport and to be announced on our website on the evening of 19th October.

Staverton Airport want to extend their runway and increase services. The extra noise and fumes will damage the local environment and the huge amounts of CO2 will add to global warming.

We need to put our children’s future and the environment before the profits of an airport.

Saturday 20th Oct:

Learn about global warming, what it means to you and your children. Learn what you can do about it.

Workshops and discussions start at 13:00pm

Lead speaker David Drew MP

Sunday 21st Oct:

Peaceful protest against the airport’s impacts on noise, the environment, and the area’s image

The airport claims “only a small minority are opposed to the development,” Come and show them that you are not part of a small minority by making your voice heard

You can come and camp for the weekend, or just come for the Saturday or Sunday.

For public transport to the airport, take the 94 bus to Staverton Bridge. Also, parking is available. Stewards will direct you from the airport entrance

Take a look at or and For more information email

If anyone has access to any of the following it could be very useful :

* Marquees, yurts, caravans, temporary structures, tents
* Wood for building (especially 2×2, 3×2, 18mm ply)
* Nails, woodscrews etc.
* Wood for burning
* Food (vegan, locally produced, organic)
* Water containers
* Water piping
* Water
* Hay/Straw
* Vans and trailers
* Beer
* Scraps of material (the bigger the better)
* Banners/Banner making equipment
* People to give workshops/speeches
* Entertainment
* Cable ties
* Tarpaulains
* Carabinas
* Solar electricity (PV) panels
* 12v Batteries
* Wheelie bins
* Buckets
* Rope
* Gaffa tape (what every site is built on)

We also need people to help to organise and publicise the event. If you have any time which you can use to help out it would be greatly appreciated.