Camp Ivy pops up!


ivyCombe Haven Defenders has just got word of a new independent camp that has appeared just off the public footpath between Glover’s Farm and Acton’s Farm.


ivyCombe Haven Defenders has just got word of a new independent camp that has appeared just off the public footpath between Glover’s Farm and Acton’s Farm.

Camp Ivy is not on the route of the road and this means it should be relatively secure from short-term eviction. It does, however, provide a good base for protestors very close to the action! At the moment contractors are trying to complete extensive hedgerow cutting along the route of the proposed road to beat the 1st March nesting season deadline. This coming weekend 22/23 Feb will be a focus for protest against the hedgerow destruction.

Folk coming to the camp are requested to be as self-sufficient as possible, bringing food and water, and, if staying overnight, tent and sleeping bag too. The Camp Ivy mobile is 07706 065623.

Camp Ivy takes shape in the trees!

To access the camp, take the public footpath from Glover’s farm, Sidley, and follow it along the track which goes under the disused railway and then bears right towards Acton’s Farm. The camp is located discreetly in woodland on your right, between the footpath and the dismantled railway. The OS map ref is TQ750097. There’s a map in the flyer below. For the more adventurous, access is also possible from the North on foot across the valley from Crowhurst.

Sidley is a 30 minute walk from Bexhill train station, or reachable by Stagecoach bus 98 (every 30 mins approx) from Hastings, St Leonards and Bexhill.ivyflyer1sm