Camps for Climate Action round the world…

2008 will see camps spring up around the world, inspired by the Camps for Climate Action that have taken place in the UK, first near Drax, then Heathrow.

UK: near Kingsnorth coal-fired power station and proposed site for new generation – Climate Caravan to the camp from Heathrow, 26th July-3rd August, Camp for Climate Action 3rd-11th August 2008 –

2008 will see camps spring up around the world, inspired by the Camps for Climate Action that have taken place in the UK, first near Drax, then Heathrow.

UK: near Kingsnorth coal-fired power station and proposed site for new generation – Climate Caravan to the camp from Heathrow, 26th July-3rd August, Camp for Climate Action 3rd-11th August 2008 –

Germany: Klimacamp, Hamburg, near a variety of climate criminals – 15th-28th August –

Australia: Camp for Climate Action, Newcastle coal port, north of Sydney – 10th-15th July –

USA: West Coast Convergence for Climate Action, near Eugene, Oregon (28th July-4th August); South East Convergence for Climate Action, Louisa County, Virginia (5th-11th August); Northeast Climate Confluence, Epworth (27th July-3rd August) –

New Zealand: