Germany: Giant Coal Excavator Occupied 145315

from Hambach Forest and here (German Language link)

June 6th, 2015
(The occupation is ongoing)
Last night at 1 am, four activists occupied a large bucket wheel excavator in the Inden opencast mine. They climbed to the top of the excavator about 70m high. The machine halted is one of the largest machines in the world that normally destroys 24/7, literally churning the landscape. In Inden lignite is promoted for RhenAish mining area above ground, that is: Everything is about being in the way and will be destroyed; who lives about is expropriated and expelled.  Where villages, fields, meadows and woods once stood inconceivably huge holes appear in the landscape, an industrial wasteland to the horizon. Of all of the energy sources, lignite, is ridiculously inefficient, releasing huge loads of CO2 and particulate emissions, and the conversion of power supply to renewables sabotaged with inflexible “baseload plants”.
The event is also a solidarity greeting from the resistance against the Rhenish lignite mining area to the resistance against the meeting of the G7 in Elmau. There is a presumption that this political elite of globalised capitalism wants to define the solutions to the problems that they themselves have created , The G7 did not even have the decency to pretend to democratic legitimacy – they coordinate as the oligarchic government of the world, simply because they can. This meeting of global power elite has no other aim than solidifying their dominance.
It remains in the separation between industrialized countries and those that may be exploited as sources of raw materials and foreign markets. The G7 bear most of the responsibility for the global climate collapse, but the consequences are so far mainly to other parts of the world, and the climate refugees left behind – which unfortunately is terribly often fatal by the inhumane border policies of the industrialised countries. This meeting is nothing more than the most powerful criminal cartel of the world – so stop  the G7!
“If four people can paralyze a giant excavator for several hours in such a gentle way …”
“… What might happen if only a small part of all the frustrated people of the society were pulled in the same direction?” – From the Action Statement
It was often said that it is when it comes to climate protection, it is “11:55″, and that the world must act. But the world is not still, and someone has to start somewhere times. In the Rhenish lignite mining area was also often trying to stop through the legal and democratic influence on politics, the displacement of people and the destruction of the Hambach forest. These experiences have shown that the decision-makers from the social power elites will always give priority to profit interests – as long as we give them the choice.
This blockade is not a further appeal to the politicians, to finally use their power for good, because we do not trust the policy makers anyway. The weaponry of the blockade draws a clear boundary: thus far and no further – Respect existence or expect resistance! This action is an appeal to all those who are ready to assume their responsibilities: Deserting from this system of industrial destruction, you defied him, the matching of forms of resistance against it – and then let it decompose.Together we will replace it with something better! If four people in such a gentle way, can paralyze a giant excavator for several hours – what might happen if only a small part of all the frustrated people of this society pulls together? If we want to bequeath a habitable planet, there must be a thorough change from below. This occupation can only be the start.
Even a small reminder: For the beginning of August, the Alliance mobilizes “end area” to a mass blockade of an open pit in Rhineland. Here should be made possible to low threshold level a broad mass of people, access to civil disobedience and resistance. In addition, each of the four forest occupations in Hambach forest clearance is constantly under threat, and also on the currently relatively safe occupation meadow near the forest there are many points of contact for motivated people …
Together we can make the capitalist lignite madness put an end!
The habitability of the planet is at stake, precisely now.
So Let’s do it!
Bucket wheel excavator in the brown coal mine Inden occupied
District of Düren. In the night from Friday to Saturday, a bucket wheel excavator in the open-cast mining inden was occupied. Four people climbed at 1am to the top of the engine at an altitude of about 70m. One aim of the campaign is to bring the progress of the mine for a few hours to a halt. Secondly, the occupiers explain in their action statement solidarity with the protests in Elmau against the meeting of the G7.
“For the three lignite mines in the Rhineland are entire villages and forests permanently destroyed forever,” says one participant action. “We have a responsibility for future generations. Simply ask to politicians, and then complain that there is no change, is not enough. “As early as on 15 March, there had been in a similar Inden opencast mine excavators occupation by six people, interrupted in the course of the operation of the excavator for twelve hours.
Today’s blockade will also release a sign of protest against the meeting of the leaders of the seven largest industrial nations in Elmau. “There is a presumption that this political elite of globalised capitalism wants to define the solutions to the problems that they themselves have created,” it says in the action statement. “If we want to bequeath a habitable planet, there must be a thorough change from below. This occupation can this be just an impulse. “
The action is still ongoing.
They can be reached under the number 0157 32 48 23 40 and are O-tones are available. (In regard to the cell phone battery but only to a limited extent.) You can also reach activists, the direct contact with the excavators occupation hold, on the meadow occupation under 0157 541 36 100th
16:30 rest. Excavators easily accessible.
People from the area are welcome to come to the open pit edge.
“It is possible to get pretty close here.”, Said grade with an activist by telephone, who grew up in the vicinity of the open pit. “From the village Schophoven there are only a few dirt roads until man stands in front of our excavators.”
Excavator in 70m height
14:15 A fire truck arrived.
Some people climb further down the excavator around and to get an idea of ​​the situation. The police can not see them.
13:00 twelve hours are managed.
The machine stands still; “We are now the only ones here on the excavator!”
12:00 location quiet. Clothes dry again
Still no police. The clothes are now again mostly dry. “We having quite cozy here. Earlier a dog-walker wavedat us. “
7:00 No more police
The day dawns. Another photo in brightness reach us via MMS.
Still no police. Only an ambulance is around.
3:00 Police sniffs
Less than 10 Polizist_innen appear, climb up a piece and try to communicate.
“We’re fine!”, The activists call back.
After some time, the police disappear
If four people can paralyze a giant excavator for several hours in such a gentle way … … what might happen if only a small part of pulling all the frustrated people of the society in the same direction? – From the Action Statement
Staffed 1:00 excavator
People arrive at the open pit and climb the bucket wheel.
Some were lying down in the early evening with blankets in the woods and a little pre-sleep.
Now they are drenched by thunderstorms and full of oil from the excavators to 70m height and try to curl up under a tarp.