Big Blether 6

Friday 9th- Sunday 11th May 2008
Talamh Life Centre, Near Glasgow

Synthesis and Celebration
Support and celebration within our multifaceted movement.

BB is a meeting place for activists to bring and share ideas, information and enthusiasm and to create action out of inspiration.

Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute – big or small

Friday 9th- Sunday 11th May 2008
Talamh Life Centre, Near Glasgow

Synthesis and Celebration
Support and celebration within our multifaceted movement.

BB is a meeting place for activists to bring and share ideas, information and enthusiasm and to create action out of inspiration.

Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute – big or small
There will be workshops on Saturday and Sunday. Topics we hope to include: climate change issues, meditation, creative campaigning, transition towns, nuclear resistance, activist films, permaculture, yoga, woodland crafts, practical activism and local food networks.

In recognition of the many approaches involved in creating sustainable practice, we hope to host some events whose purposes are to strengthen, explore and celebrate our collective basis of action and the diversity of roles within it.

Are you interested in putting on a workshop?

Big Blether is the creation of everyone who comes, if you have an idea then please get in touch by email to with a brief description.

BB is a non-profit organisation and entrance will be by donation on the gate.

Are you interested in putting on a workshop?

BB is the creation of everyone who comes, if you have an idea please get in touch by email to with a brief description.

BB is a non-profit organisation and entrance will be by donation on the gate.