New Earth First Action Update OUT NOW!

The printed EF! Action Update is back again! After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll. We have just produced a summer edition in time for the Camp for Climate Action, where you can pick up printed copies.

EF! AU logo 1The printed EF! Action Update is back again! After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll. We have just produced a summer edition in time for the Camp for Climate Action, where you can pick up printed copies.

The Action Update is produced quarterly to aid the sharing of news, information and ideas amongst those interested in taking action. The next newsletter will be out in November. If you’ve got news to share about your groups, campaigns and actions post them straight onto this website and we’ll make sure they’re included in the next edition.

You can also download and print out the PDF of the Action Update by clicking here.