Keep the UK GM-Free – picnics & rallies, Sat 14th & Sat 21st

This spring, German chemicals company, BASF, are trialling 3 types of GM potatoes (modified to be blight resistant) at two sites:
1) NIAB in Cambridgeshire (National Institute of Agricultural Botany)
2) Hedon village, just outside Hull.

Protests are taking place at both sites in the next fortnight. It is important that we demonstrate to BASF and the government that we want the UK to remain uncontaminated by GM crops. Commit to coming to one of them and get a warm glow in your tummy.

Stop the SpudsThis spring, German chemicals company, BASF, are trialling 3 types of GM potatoes (modified to be blight resistant) at two sites:
1) NIAB in Cambridgeshire (National Institute of Agricultural Botany)
2) Hedon village, just outside Hull.

Protests are taking place at both sites in the next fortnight. It is important that we demonstrate to BASF and the government that we want the UK to remain uncontaminated by GM crops. Commit to coming to one of them and get a warm glow in your tummy.

Cambridge GM potato protest walk, Saturday 14th April
A walk around the potential trial area with food at the end. Meeting at the Histon Baptist Church, Station Road, Histon. At 11:00am on Saturday 14th April.

Organised by Cambridge GM Concern:


Saturday 21st April, 1pm, Hull

National Rally Against GM potato trials

In response to the attempt to re-introduce GM to our island, a national rally has been called by Hedon Against GM and

1pm – Speakers, including Dom Marsh from UK Permaculture Association.
Pete Riley from GM Freeze (unconfirmed)
Local farmers
Music from Seize the Day

2pm – walk, march, dance and cycle to the proposed planting site

2:30pm – GM-Free Potato Picnic with live music and delicious vegan food from Veggies mobile catering.

3:30pm onwards – Tea, coffee, cake and more musical entertainment at Preston Road Family Community Centre, Marfleet, Hull.
Bring – flags, costumes, banners, kites, frisbees, instruments, outdoor clothing, kids and your favourite potato-based dish.

Help needed! Please get in touch if you can help in the following ways:
– distribute publicity in your area
– be a transport contact or co-ordinator
– provide an endorsement for our website – many, many people support this campaign, for a variety of reasons – what’s yours?
– provide a large number of green caps, black bandanas, red noses and/or big ears – Mr Potatohead costumes 🙂

Download fliers and posters from this site:
Contact us – or via myspace