Reclaim the Fields Gathering, Barcelona

Invitation to the Reclaim the Fields gathering
13th 14th and 15th February, Can Masdeu, Barcelona

Invitation to the Reclaim the Fields gathering
13th 14th and 15th February, Can Masdeu, Barcelona

The European Coordination « Reclaim the Fields » (RtF) was born of the gatherings and initiative of a small group of young farmers and landless people linked to Via Campesina, the RtF coordination met last October at a European camp of over 400 people involved in many different small agriculture and collective initiative projects. After the camp, new people were motivated to continue the process, proposing another meeting in Catalonia, to bring together people already involved here in out-of-the-ordinary agriculture and self-production initiatives such as collective agriculture and the occupation of land and abandoned villages, producers and consumer cooperatives, the fight against genetic engineering and for ecological agriculture, etc.

Aware that networks already exist around Can Masdeu and beyond, we invite you to come and meet with us and compare experiences, and
perhaps create connections that will go beyond this gathering…

For more information write to:

We will send you more information about the political content and logistical details of the gathering. You can also sign up on the doodle We need you to do this to plan for accommodation and food.
The programme for the gathering is still being written.

European Coordination Reclaim the Fields