Camp for Climate Action Scotland

There is no time to act but now! Come to the Camp for Climate Action in Scotland 3-10 August

ccs stickerThere is no time to act but now! Come to the Camp for Climate Action in Scotland 3-10 August

For a week of low-impact living and high-impact direct action, keep 3-10 August free and join us in Scotland to take direct action against the root causes of climate change and ecological collapse. This summer the struggle against a capitalist system intent on extinguishing life on the planet will hit the Firth of Forth!

What’s happening:

We’re going to set up camp somewhere around the Firth of Forth, a part of the central belt of Scotland littered with power stations, corporate HQs, gas and oil refineries, open cast coal mines, a nuclear power station and a cement factory. We want you to join us to hold the people and systems responsible for climate change to account.

The camp will focus on supporting groups of people taking action against a whole range of targets. If you’re coming with a group of friends that’s great – we’ll help you choose targets and actions, and if you’re coming alone there will be plenty of opportunity to meet other people to work and take action with.

The camp will have as low an ecological impact as possible so expect compost toilets, grey water systems and micro-renewable energy. There will be kitchens on site where campers will make three meals a day so there’s no need to bring any food or cooking equipment. Organised horizontally, the camp will provide lots of opportunities to get involved, be creative and practical and learn new skills. There will be workshops, discussions and opportunities to link up with other people, groups and campaigns.

We hope to work with and in solidarity with local communities and ongoing campaigns around the camp’s locality to build on what others are already doing and for the camp to have long-lasting positive impacts.

How to get there:

The location of the site will be announced just before the start of the camp – check here or phone the info number which will be available shortly before the 3rd for directions to the camp. If you’re coming by public transport get yourself to Edinburgh Waverley or Glasgow Central train stations and be prepared to travel – info-points will tell you the train station to get to and how to get there. There will be shuttle buses from the nearest train station to the camp. If you can’t make all of the camp, just come along for a day, a weekend or whatever you can.

What to bring:

Camping gear – a tent, sleeping bag and mat, practical clothing and footwear. Be prepared for rain and sun. Banners and decorations to make our site beautiful and anything else that you would like to see. But most importantly, bring all of your friends!

We will also be asking for donations to cover costs of food and expenses for the camp. Suggested amounts will be made available closer to the time.

What not to bring:

It is possible that you will be searched by police on entering the site – penknives and anything that may be construed as a weapon is best left behind. You may also want to protect your personal details but remember, if you don’t bring a cash card, bring enough cash to cover your transport, food donations etc.

Know your rights!

Checkout the websites below for some advice on dealing with the police.

Up to date legal information and advice will be available at the camp.


Are most welcome and there will be a kids space that people will be able to volunteer for.


If you bring dog(s) please take responsibility for them. We ask that you keep them on a lead as there have been incidents at past camps that we’d prefer to avoid.

If you want more information or to get in touch email us on

See you there!

Come to our next meeting!

Edinburgh, Wednesday 29th July, 12:00-16:00, Forest Cafe Action Room, 3 Bristo Place

in the meantime, get yourself down to Mainshill Solidarity Camp!