Giant Garrett pays a long overdue visit to the Upper Florentine valley, Tasmania

Activists from Still Wild Still Threatened have welcomed a 6 metre tall Peter Garrett to the Upper Florentine Valley.

Activists from Still Wild Still Threatened have welcomed a 6 metre tall Peter Garrett to the Upper Florentine Valley. Activists took the ‘giant Garrett’ on a tour of coupe FO42F which is due to be burnt in the immediate future and highlighted their concerns with the continued logging and burning of some of Tasmania’s most carbon dense forests. Old growth forests play an essential role in the global carbon cycle, soaking in and storing huge amounts of carbon from our atmosphere. The logging of FO42F last Summer prompted a number of protests against the continued destruction of high conservation value forests in the area.

“We are speaking out against the systematic eradication of some of our most significant carbon sinks at the hands of local climate criminals Forestry Tasmania and Gunns Ltd., and are calling on Peter Garrett to take immediate action and halt this rampant woodchipping and burning of our precious old growth forests” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ula Majewski.

“It is an environmentally criminal act to continue decimating and burning these irreplaceable ecosystems Protecting Tasmania’s ancient forests is a simple, cheap and effective climate change solution” said Ms Majewski.

It is rumoured that the ‘giant Garrett’ will be visiting a number of threatened forests during the burn season. The details of this tour will be made public in the near future. Stay tuned.