Appeal for international solidarity: Nianfors Uranium drilling blockade, Sweden

Activists organise blockade to prevent test drilling for Uranium in Nianfors, North Sweden. We appeal for your support!!

Nianfors campaign logoActivists organise blockade to prevent test drilling for Uranium in Nianfors, North Sweden. We appeal for your support!!

During the last three months local activists have been involved in a dispute with a drilling company over prospecting for uranium close to a small village called Nianfors in north east Sweden.

Nianfors is located in a breathtakingly beautiful valley at the foot of the Majsaberget Mountain, the area is renowned for it’s forests, crystal clear lakes and rivers which provide habitat for a wide range of wildlife, flowers. insects and funghi.

In a bid to prevent test drilling activists have set up camp and have set up a blockade to prevent test drilling going ahead. The weather conditions this time of year are tough, some nights the temperature reaches -20 the snowfall can be up to 30cm deep, but people dress heavily and the comradery is wonderful, so the spirit is strong. We make food, sing songs and tell stories among ourselves to pass the time.
Any comrades who happen to pass this way are welcome to join us, everyone is welcome (Except test drilling companies!).

Our website is in Swedish and English, so hopefully you can read about our campaign. We have posted an online Petition and appeal to our comrades to extend the hand of international solidarity and sign it.

We can prevent this, but we need all the support we can get, so please circulate this message to as many other comrades as you can. Say ‘NO TO CORPORATE PLUNDERING OF OUR PLANET – NO TO NUCLEAR POWER!’

In comradeship

Our site :
Our online Petition :