End of the line for coal: Protestors blockade coal trains, New Zealand/Aotearoa

Press release: Save happy Valley Christchurch
Sunday 29th April 2007

Save Happy Valley members have locked onto the train tracks near Christchurch to call for an end to new coal mines in New Zealand. Other members have hung a twenty-two metre banner – ‘Solid Energy: Govt Sponsored Climate Chaos – along two of the coal wagons. They are on Kirk Road, Templeton.

Press release: Save happy Valley Christchurch
Sunday 29th April 2007

Save Happy Valley members have locked onto the train tracks near Christchurch to call for an end to new coal mines in New Zealand. Other members have hung a twenty-two metre banner – ‘Solid Energy: Govt Sponsored Climate Chaos – along two of the coal wagons. They are on Kirk Road, Templeton.

“Catastrophic climatic events are already occurring; climate change is happening now,” said Graham Jury, Save Happy Valley Christchurch spokesperson. “Earlier this year New Zealand finally reached the end of the line for coal fired power stations. It must also be the end of the line for coal mining.”

Two activists are locked onto the tracks, while a further twenty are on the tracks by the train. Save Happy Valley works for the protection of Happy Valley, proposed site of Solid Energy’s next opencast mine on the West Coast of the South Island. The group also campaigns for a just and swift transition away from coal mining.

“Solid Energy is ever increasing its production, leaving decimated ecosystems and waterways in its wake. Already, they are responsible for annual carbon dioxide emissions approximately equivalent to New Zealand’s entire transport fleet. Saying “no” to new coal mines would be an easy first step in actually addressing climate change,” said Simon Riddel, one of the activists locked to the tracks.

“The world’s climate is becoming increasingly unpredictable and human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are evidently responsible. The fossil fuel industry is a preventable cause,” said Gregory Curline, the second activist ‘on the line.’

“Half of the coal extracted is sent off shore, generating emissions outside of our Kyoto Protocol obligations. However, New Zealand is responsible for the coal it exports. The Government must pull its state owned enterprise back under control,” said Mr Jury.


Media Contact
Graham Jury, Save Happy Valley Christchurch spokesperson, 0273070448

In March 2007, Mighty River Power, another SOE, announced that it had discarded its plans to turn Marsden B into an operational coal fired power station.
