Reclaim the streets – Auckland

4 Mar 2007 K road rocked to the sound of climate change protesters yesterday as cops blocked off the road for a reclaim he streets style party. Around 200 people participated in snow fights, stalls and a people’s assembly with many onlookers interested. Bands played samba and world style music along with a punk band, … Continue reading “Reclaim the streets – Auckland”

Auckland 07 RTS 1Auckland 07 RTS 2Auckland 07 RTS 3Auckland 07 RTS 4
Auckland 07 RTS 5

4 Mar 2007
K road rocked to the sound of climate change protesters yesterday as cops blocked off the road for a reclaim he streets style party. Around 200 people participated in snow fights, stalls and a people’s assembly with many onlookers interested. Bands played samba and world style music along with a punk band, and people danced across a street normally filled with cars. A people’s assembly and speakers spoke about the disastrous effects of climate change if we do not act now. The participants voted for free and frequent public transport and then voted in favour of a peaceful non violent revolution (they didn’t even give us a chance to vote against this one) The Save Happy Valley Auckland Coalition talked about the importance of stopping coal mining in Aotearoa and a group of public supporters wore “save malcolm’s snails” T – shirts, referring to one of the most active campaigners for SHV in Auckland. After the peoples assembly a car was symbolically smashed up, spray-painted and plants were put inside. Overall the day was moderately successful informing passers by and providing a fun outing for climate activists but the turn out was fairly small.