19 April Sheffield: Climate Action Movement Building Day

A date for your diary!

Climate Action Movement Building
Network for Climate Action
Saturday 19th April, 10am – 5pm
Friends Meeting House Sheffield
Map – http://home.btconnect.com/sheffieldquakers/hire.htm

A date for your diary!

Climate Action Movement Building
Network for Climate Action
Saturday 19th April, 10am – 5pm
Friends Meeting House Sheffield
Map – http://home.btconnect.com/sheffieldquakers/hire.htm

Are you involved in local climate action or would you like to be? Climate Chaos is getting real and we need to act now – building a vibrant grassroots movement taking action all over the country.

The Network for Climate Action is a Uk network of local groups and and national networks with the aim of sharing skills and providing support for each other as well as organising for action.

We’d like to invite you to a day of networking, skillsharing and organising!

What’s going to happen?

Review of Fossil Fools Day and planning the next round!
1 May: Invasion of the Climate Snatchers (day of action against false solutions to climate change)
3 June: Day of Action on Food and Climate Change
(for more info see: http://www.daysofclimateaction.org.uk)

What do we want the Network to do? How should it function? What needs improving? How do we organise skillsharing, support, information sharing, direct action training, outreach etc?

3) BUILDING MOMENTUM for the Climate camp and beyond
Ideas for building momentum for the climate camp locally

on topics such as getting a local group going/keeping momentum, planning actions and local press work. Let us know if you could contribute to a workshop, or even offer to run one.

We’re still in the planning stages – please get in touch if there’s something you’d like to see happening on the day!

Saturday 19th April, 10am – 5pm
Friends Meeting House Sheffield
Map – http://home.btconnect.com/sheffieldquakers/hire.htm

We aren’t able to provide lunch, but there is a fantastic vegan/veggie cafe nearby or you can bring your own food.
We’re asking people for a donation of £2-3 towards the cost of the room. Some accommodation will be available (please email us if needed).

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please let us know if you have any special requirements.

Please let us know whether you are planning to come, so we can get an idea of numbers! Email us at contact_NO@SPAM_networkforclimateaction.org.uk

Check out our website with hundreds of resources for climate action and a directory of local groups! http://www.networkforclimateaction.org.uk

For info about the days of climate action check out http://www.daysofclimateaction.org.uk