ELF Burn Down Luxury Homes

Early this morning, at around 4am, three multimillion-dollar model homes in a Seattle suburb were burnt down with messages left by the ELF, “Built Green? Nope black!”, mocking the claims that the homes were environmentally friendly.

Early this morning, at around 4am, three multimillion-dollar model homes in a Seattle suburb were burnt down with messages left by the ELF, “Built Green? Nope black!”, mocking the claims that the homes were environmentally friendly.

The buildings, originally estimated at $2 million, then re-calculated to be worth $7 million dollars, and were completely destroyed in the fires.

Other messages were spraypainted on homes “Stop Urban Sprawl”; “If you build it we will burn it”; and “Burn the rich.”

A banner was also left saying: “Built green? Nope black! McMansions in RCD’s r not green. ELF”

RCD=rural cluster developments


ELF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Liberation_Front

Video: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/03/03/seattle.fire/#cnnSTCVideo

Sources: http://news.google.co.uk/news?hl=en&tab=wn&ie=UTF-8&ncl=1138828157Seattle houses ELF 2