Forest defenders take action in the Styx Valley, Tasmania

Two forest actions took place in the Styx Valley this week. On Tuesday morning, community activists from Still Wild Still Threatened halted work on a new bridge as a forest defender locked onto forestry machinery for over 10 hours before being cut off by police. Yesterday, activists conducted a peaceful walk in to stop the industrial scale destruction of ancient forests located in coupe SX10F.

Tasmania Styx action
Two forest actions took place in the Styx Valley this week. On Tuesday morning, community activists from Still Wild Still Threatened halted work on a new bridge as a forest defender locked onto forestry machinery for over 10 hours before being cut off by police. Yesterday, activists conducted a peaceful walk in to stop the industrial scale destruction of ancient forests located in coupe SX10F.

See media releases and audio links below…

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Forest defenders take action in the Styx Valley, Tasmania

This morning, community activists from Still Wild Still Threatened halted work on the construction of a new bridge across the Styx River. If built, this bridge will provide increased log truck access to the globally significant stands of giant eucalypts located in the valley.

“Tasmania is currently in a state of environmental emergency. Vast tracts of old growth forests are being destroyed and sent to the chipper in order to further inflate the already grossly bulging bank accounts of a select few. Right now, in coupe SX10F, chainsaws and bulldozers are ripping apart some of our most precious natural heritage” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ula Majewski.

“The community is being locked out of their own forests all over the state, while local climate criminals Forestry Tasmania employ their usual farcical spin and claim that this bridge will be used primarily for tourists. What this bridge will do is increase the wholesale destruction of some of the island’s most significant carbon sinks” said Ms Majewski.

Recent developments at the Bali climate conference have further reinforced the importance of halting the deforestation and degradation of carbon sinks. Eucalyptus regnans old growth forests, such as those located in the Styx Valley, have been shown to store huge amounts of carbon.

“We are calling on the Rudd government to take serious action and demonstrate to the global community that Australia is implementing intelligent, enlightened and equitable strategies to combat climate change by ensuring the immediate protection of Tasmania’s ancient forests” said Ms Majewski.

Forest defenders will continue to take a stand against the destruction of old growth forests located in the Styx, Weld and Upper Florentine Valleys.

Listen to SWST vs Forestry Tasmania on ABC Radio


Thursday, 17th January 2008

Forest activists continue their protest in the Styx Valley, Tasmania

Early this afternoon, community activists from Still Wild Still Threatened conducted a peaceful walk in to coupe SX10F to document and bear witness to the ongoing destruction of old growth forests located in the Styx Valley.

“Some of our most significant carbon sinks are being destroyed at a disturbingly accelerated rate, rendering Tasmania’s forestry practices an international disgrace. The Rudd government continues to endorse the logging and burning of ancient forests located in the Styx Valley. Protecting Tasmania’s old growth forests is a simple, cheap and intelligent climate change solution” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ula Majewski.

“SX10F has gained an international profile over the past few years, becoming an iconic example of Tasmania’s globally renowned forests. This irreplaceable ecosystem, located within 1.5km of the World Heritage Boundary, is being ripped apart by bulldozers and chainsaws to line the pockets of greedy woodchippers Gunns Ltd.” said Ms Majewski.

Forest defenders will continue to peacefully protest against the destruction of old growth forests located in the Styx, Weld and Upper Florentine Valleys.