ELP Information Bulletin (29th of December 2007)

Dear friends

ELP has just received two bits of American news. First off ALF/ELF prisoner, Jonathan Paul, has released his first prison dispatch. Secondly, we have been infored that ALF/ELF prisoner. Chris McIntosh has been moved to a new address:

Dear friends

ELP has just received two bits of American news. First off ALF/ELF prisoner, Jonathan Paul, has released his first prison dispatch. Secondly, we have been infored that ALF/ELF prisoner. Chris McIntosh has been moved to a new address:

Firstly here is the dispatch from Jonathan Paul….



Friends, supporters and family,

This is the first of 51 monthly dispatches I will be writing until I am released in 2011. Although I will be writing to let everyone know how I am doing while incarcerated at FCI Phoenix, the purpose of these dispatches are not going to be about me, but about the real issues that threaten life as we know it on this planet.

First, I would like to thank everyone who has written me in the last few weeks. Your letters of support have overwhelmed me with emotion and have given me strength and hope. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. From the Anarchist writing group in NY, to my tribe of friends and to those I have never met, the time you took to write to me has given me much strength. I would like to put out special thanks to my sisters, Caroline and Alexandra, my wonderful Mom (Mumsie) and my dear sweet wife, Tami. I understand your love is unconditional and with that I am blessed to have you as my family. To my wife Tami – who has been by my side since 1999, your devotion and commitment to me is unmatched by anyone, ever. Thank you for helping me pick up the mess left in the wake of this very difficult time in our life. To those who are supporting Tami on a daily basis – I thank you also. All I can to all of you is I would do the same for you and I am in your debt.

As for life here in prison, I want you all to know I am okay. Every day that passes is a day closer to my freedom. I look forward to that day and that day will come.

I want to say a few words about someone who has inspired and amazed me over the years, a committed
activist who has been “down” for a very long time. Moved to activism after experiencing the brutal
poverty and racism experienced as a part of everyday life, American Indian Movement warrior, Leonard
Peltier, has been in prison for over 30 years and is serving two life sentences for crimes he did not
commit. Leonard worked to protect his people and the earth from the powerful energy corporations and the
government they rule. On the Pine Ridge reservation in the 1970’s the traditional Native Americans fought for their way of life while under attack from the government sponsored goons, the FBI and the coal and uranium energy corporations that wanted the Black Hills for resources. The Native Americans of this land have been systematically destroyed and oppressed in a genocidal campaign since the white man first stepped his ugly foot on North America.

Leonard was accused and convicted of killing two FBI agents during a shootout on the Pine Ridge reservation in 1975. Leonard was wrongly convicted in 1977 based on coerced testimony and suppressed evidence. Leonard’s case is one of the most egregious examples of prosecutorial and investigative misconduct in the history of American jurisprudence. I first became aware of the struggles of the American Indian Movement when I was in jail for resisting a political grand jury in 1992-1993. I read In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Peter Matthiessen while incarcerated and couldn’t put it down. Leonard’s story gave me strength during my 6 months resisting the grand jury. When I was released from jail I was complimented on my strength and all I could think of was Leonard’s strength.

When I turned myself into prison last month, one of the first books my wife sent me was In the Spirit of
Crazy Horse. I read this book, for the second time, behind bars and finished it in the first two days. I
consider the struggles of AIM and think about their fight not only against genocide, but also ecocide.
Our struggles are one struggle.

To my supporters and friends – when you sit down to write me a letter, please put the paper aside and
write to Leonard Peltier. He has been in prison for more than 30 years – he has remained strong with
unprecedented integrity. If you support me, please support him. He has sacrificed his freedom for his
people and for mother earth. Leonard needs to hear from our “tribe”…the environmental and animal rights movements for his struggle is our struggle. Show him and his people that we are all part of one movement – a movement to stop the genocide, ecocide, and oppression of all beings. We are one and when we join into one we may actually move forward and be able to effect change. By supporting Leonard, you are supporting me. If Leonard hears from you and it makes him smile, gives him some hope and strength, and lets him know that he is not and never will be forgotten, then you are giving me the strength and strength to our movements.

Please write to Leonard at the following address:

Leonard Peltier

# 89637-132



P.O. BOX 1000


In solidarity for the earth and animals,

Jonathan Paul


FCI Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution

37910 N. 45th Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jonathan’s co-defendants:

Daniel McGowan
FCI Sandstone
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Sandstone, MN 55072

Nathan Block #36359-086
FCI Lompoc
Federal Correctional Institution
3600 Guard Road
Lompoc, CA 93436

Joyanna Zacher #36360-086
FCI Dublin
Federal Correctional Institution
5701 8th St – Camp Parks- Unit E
Dublin, CA 94568

Friends and Family of Jonathan Paul
PMB# 267
2305 Ashland St., Ste. C
Ashland, OR 97520

Secondly, an ELP supporter has informed us that Chris ‘Dirt’ McIntosh has moved. Chris’ new address is:

Chris McIntosh
FCI Fairton
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 420
Fairton, nj 08320

According to www.BOP.gov Chris is expected to be at this address until 2012.

Please send letters of support to Chris, Jonathan Paul, and all the other prisoners. Remind them they are not forgotten.

ELP Support Network


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407