Worldwide Day of Action Against McDonalds 16th October

14th October 2007 early demo report: nearly 30 people took part in the London leg of the worldwide anti-McDonald’s day. It started at noon at the Leicester Square McDonald’s. There was a Ronald McDonald attacking a person dressed as a cow. The cow went down well with the kids and even some adults! Lots of leaflets were handed out and the public seemed to be receptive on the whole. Also, the police were noticeable by their absence. The demo moved onto the Shaftesbury Avenue McDonald’s and finished at about 3.30.

Dying for a burger (London McD demo)
14th October 2007 early demo report: nearly 30 people took part in the London leg of the worldwide anti-McDonald’s day. It started at noon at the Leicester Square McDonald’s. There was a Ronald McDonald attacking a person dressed as a cow. The cow went down well with the kids and even some adults! Lots of leaflets were handed out and the public seemed to be receptive on the whole. Also, the police were noticeable by their absence. The demo moved onto the Shaftesbury Avenue McDonald’s and finished at about 3.30.

Adopt-YOUR-Store – leaflets from Veggies or Do It Yourself. Details here