G8 protests – cuts, climate crisis & capitalism


There is one common struggle against those who have appropriated the earth, the money, and the machines“. Voltairine de Cleyre.


There is one common struggle against those who have appropriated the earth, the money, and the machines“. Voltairine de Cleyre.

11 June 2013. #J11.
One Common Struggle.
Carnival Against Capitalism.

Presenting the action map for the June 11 Carnival Against Capitalism. 100 locations in the West End connected to blatant murder, oppression and exploitation. Click on the link above to zoom in, download and print.

There is also an online map which will feature more details and even more addresses. It is still being updated. To check in for latest progress go to:  mappingthecorporations.org/ and select “Mapping Capitalist London” in the sector menu.

If you have more information on any company, or want to add a new address, please email stopg8@riseup.net


They Owe Us


We plan to appear somewhere in Canary Wharf, to reclaim and transform a space, bringing beauty and hope to the soulless heart of Capitalism.

In response to the combined crises of cuts and climate chaos, and the call for a week of action against the G8, we have come together to organise a gathering of those who want to stop the assault on people and planet. In the penthouse suite of global capitalism, in front of the eyes of the financial elite we will demand that They Owe Us.