No New Nuclear. Planning to win – updated details

Time to get organised and stop the new generation of nuclear power stations.

11am Saturday 21st until 4pm Sunday 22nd November 2009

The weekend will be a space for grassroots campaigners to network, share ideas and information and make plans to win.

bunny with spanner in front of starTime to get organised and stop the new generation of nuclear power stations.

11am Saturday 21st until 4pm Sunday 22nd November 2009

The weekend will be a space for grassroots campaigners to network, share ideas and information and make plans to win.

Whatever your campaigning tools are, wherever you are from, if you are in a group or an individual, this weekend is for us all. The more of us who can make it the better plans we can make.

By developing skills and confidence in creating and implementing campaign and action plans we can identify when and where our interventions can be most successful.

Over the weekend we will:

Reflect on the successes of the anti nuclear movement.
A presentation from Ben Ayliffe, Greenpeace’s nuclear power campaigner.
A presentation from a representative of the French network “Sortir du nucléaire” on the ongoing calamities with EPR reactors (the types of nuclear reactors being proposed for the UK).
Discussion and making plans to stop a new generation of nuclear power.
Skills workshops such as: Strategic action planning and Dealing with the media.
Meet and build networks with a broad range of people opposed to new nuclear.
Get angry, get organised.

Seeds for Change is an activist training network that will facilitate the weekend and share skills for winning through campaign and action planning. Come along and take away ideas and tools for winning to share with your community and networks at home.

Cost: Costs will be kept as low as possible. You will be asked to contribute towards the venue and food, but don’t let being skint stop you from coming :).

To book your place, help organise or get more details contact: or ring 01524 383012 and leave a message.