Fossil Fools Day 2009, 1st April – actions & resources

FFD is only five weeks away! We know of various affinity group actions around the UK but thought we’d upload some inspirational public actions you can get involved with on the April 1st and some resources to help inspire you to take action in you local area.


12 Noon

FFD 09FFD is only five weeks away! We know of various affinity group actions around the UK but thought we’d upload some inspirational public actions you can get involved with on the April 1st and some resources to help inspire you to take action in you local area.


12 Noon

Help build a Camp for Climate Action in the City of London.Stopping carbon markets – because nature doesn’t do bailouts. Meet at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW. Bring a pop-up tent, sleeping bag, wind turbine, mobile cinema, action plans and ideas … let’s imagine another world. Don’t let the financial and fossil fools make the rules!

For more details visit –

6PM – *** POSTPONED by BP following police advice. ***

For reasons unfathomable yet deeply pleasing, BP* has chosen Fossil Fools Day to celebrate its centenary. This will take place at the British Museum, where the not-so-great and the far-from-good will quaff cocktails, snaffle canapes and watch a celebratory film. And Rising Tide and Art Not Oil will be there too, between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your Party’s Over!’ Bring banners, musical instruments, a sense of climate justice and a nonsense of foolery. Meet at 6pm at the British Museum’s Gt. Russell St. gate. * BP = Burning Planet, British Plunder, Bloody Profits, Broken Promises,Boring Parties, Breathtaking Protests and..? Send your unravelled acronyms to


Media – Rising Tide has produced an 11 page Media Q&A for Fossil Fools Day. If you think you’ll be talking to the media on the day and want a few tips for tricky questions send us an email ( and we’ll email you a copy.

Action Ideas – For a short guide on why and how to take direct action against the fossil fuel industry … including planning tips, target locations, examples of successful actions and much more visit the RT Resources page were you can download ‘15 Actions to Topple the Fossil Fuel Empire’.

FFD is only 5 weeks away so whether you’ve been looking for a chance to dip a toe into the growing climate action movement, or have had your kick-ass action planned since last year, now is the time to do it – whatever it is. On April 1st, join the global day of resistance and pull a prank that packs a punch.