Environmentalist bloc at Faslane 365 – 26.04.07


Can you see the connection between more nuclear weapons, more nuclear power stations, war for oil and climate change?
– Or that replacing Trident will mean more dangerous nuclear powered submarines based on the Clyde and more nuclear waste…
– And that nuclear weapons are an environmental disaster and radioactive pollution is caused by their use, testing, waste, accidents or by terrorist attack.
– Or that environmental devastation caused by nuclear weaponry affects people and their environments across boundaries and down the generations…

Then join the environmentalist block at Faslane on Chernobyl Day!


Can you see the connection between more nuclear weapons, more nuclear power stations, war for oil and climate change?
– Or that replacing Trident will mean more dangerous nuclear powered submarines based on the Clyde and more nuclear waste…
– And that nuclear weapons are an environmental disaster and radioactive pollution is caused by their use, testing, waste, accidents or by terrorist attack.
– Or that environmental devastation caused by nuclear weaponry affects people and their environments across boundaries and down the generations…

Then join the environmentalist block at Faslane on Chernobyl Day!

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April 26th 2007 will be the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster. At least 9,000 people are expected to die in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia from the nuclear fall-out from the accident, whilst across Europe the number of deaths from cancers caused by radiation from the accident could be as high as 60,000. Amongst people who were children at the time of the accident there has been a significant increase in thyroid cancers – over 4,000 cases were diagnosed in the Ukraine between 1992 – 2002.

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On the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster, activists and supporters from Scottish environmental groups and networks will be holding a series of events outside the Faslane nuclear submarine base to protest against the government’s plans to build more nuclear power stations and Trident replacement.

Among the different events planned for the day Friends of the Earth Scotland will be rallying from 8am to midday at the main gate with their huge inflatable white elephant to highlight that new nuclear power stations are unsafe, unwanted and unnecessary.

Plans also include a die-in and blockade of the gates later in the day.

Groups involved include: Friends of the Earth Scotland, Scottish local Greenpeace groups, Scottish People and Planet network, Rising Tide Scotland.

Nonviolent action training day: Saturday 31st March, 10.30am-4pm, Lamb’s House, Burgess Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6RD_map and directions:

Prop and banner making day – all day from 10.30am Wednesday 25th April, Lambs House, Burgess Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6RD. Bring cardboard, paint, materials, fall-out suits and costumes to decorate!

There will be a 50 seater coach eaving Waterloo Place, Edinburgh at
4am – Yes! Four in the morning! (Map here:

Price £10 waged or £6 unwaged.
Please book your seat first by calling 0131 554 9977 or emailing
Return time: Leaving Faslane around 5.30pm and arriving Edinburgh at
about 8pm.

Possible pick ups also in Glasgow – contact us for more information

There are also good public transport links to Faslane from Glasgow using the Low Level trains from Glasgow Queen Street and Partick stations every half hour to Helensburgh Central and then the Coulport or Garelochhead buses to Faslane Peace Camp or the Faslane Cemetery (opposite the North Gate.) There is also a train service from Queen Street (main level: destination Mallaig/Oban) which stops at Garelochhead (about a mile walk from Faslane north gate)

A cycle path runs all the way from Helensburgh to Faslane along the A814.
There is limited parking close to the Faslane North Gate in the Faslane cemetery car-park just past the North Gate on the right. Limited car parking is also available at Faslane Peace Camp at the south of the base.

Limited accommodation the night is available in Edinburgh – please bring a sleeping bag. We can also help you find accommodation in Glasgow the night before.

For more information or to book places please contact
environmentalists [at] faslane365.org or phone 0131 554 9977

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