28 Days Later / Balcombe anti-fracking protests update days 40-43

One Man Stop – 2nd September – Day 40

Update (14:45am): One protector locked on to fracking truck at the gate of Cuadrilla site in Balcombe.

Update (11:45am): Two protectors arrested defending Sussex from fracking.

One Man Stop – 2nd September – Day 40

Update (14:45am): One protector locked on to fracking truck at the gate of Cuadrilla site in Balcombe.

Update (11:45am): Two protectors arrested defending Sussex from fracking.

Update (9:30am): Police trying to force fracking truck through the community protection blockade. Come down and support the community.

Protector Locked On To Fracking Tanker Blocking The Gate Of Cuadrilla Site In Balcombe – Video

More info and photos here

Day 41 (Tues 3rd) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Protector Locked On To Gate Of Cuadrilla Fracking Site In Balcombe – Video

"I study environmental science, I know this is wrong, I know this is mad and it's just about money. I've chosen this action because nobody is listening. I've signed petitions, I've written to the EA. I've been here peacefully protesting for the last 6 weeks or longer. The government's just not listening to its people. Once they start putting those chemicals down into the water table they cannot get them out. I don't want to leave this mess for the next generation and I certainly don't want to say I didn't do anything to stop it."

Day 43 – 5th September Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Breaking: #Balcombe Community Protection Camp now has a tripod blocking the road. Some cars can pass… looks like no trucks for a while… #GreatGasGala #Frack_OFF #Cuadrilla

Day 43 of the Community Blockade in Balcombe. This morning one Protector is blocking fracking trucks from entering the Cuadrilla’s site with a tripod. The camp in Balcombe is fight the threat of thousands of fracking wells spreading across Sussex and the UK.



Helpful Information for groups considering action