The Great Gas Gala – Day 4 In Pictures

28 July 2013

28 July 2013

Update (11:30pm): 80 people staying at the camp tonight. Come down tomorrow bright and early to support the community against the fracking threat.

Update (7:00pm): Green and Black Cross ‘Know Your Rights’ workshop at camp now. If you’re can’t attend, do your homework here:

Update (2:50pm): Cops throwing their weight around. Trying to force people t move a couple of feet for no particular reason, but nothing major.

Update (2:00pm): Blockade continuing to grow. About 80 people now. Locals bring down food to feed everyone

Update (12:45pm): Today the camp is mostly building showers & a toilet – relaxed & enjoying the sun

Update (12:00pm): Community blockade still going strong. Camp growing with 30 people staying overnight and more streaming in now. Check of the camp wish list if you are coming down.

Camp At The Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe

Family At The Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe

Camp At The Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe

Balcombe Resident Reading Sunday Papers At The Camp

Anti-Fracking Scarecrow Doing Its Job In Balcombe