10 Arrests At The Great Gas Gala – Day 2

26 July 2013 Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them.

26 July 2013 Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them. Over 250 people stopped 15 trucks bring on equipment yesterday.  See Fracking In Balcombe: A Community Says No for background to issues involved. Scroll down for photos.

Update (3:30pm): Camp outside site still going strong. People streaming in but more needed. Come down and stay the night if you can!

Update (2:30pm): Meeting at camp decided they weren’t going to be intimidated by police thuggery.

Update (1:50pm): Arrests allegedly under Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992 – Sec. 241. Apparently the frackers were being “beset and intimidated” by the community! The people of Balcombe would say it was the was the other way round!

Update (1:30pm): Police have to escort tanker past incensed community. Cuadrilla are not welcome!

Update (1:10pm): Arrested Sussex residents allegedly being taken to Crawley police station.

Update (12:55pm): Cuadrilla and Police Trying Break Blockade With Heavy Machinary

Update (12:50pm): 10 Community Defenders Arrested!

Update (12:40pm): People are being arrested for protecting Sussex from fracking!

Update (12:30pm): Police trying to break community blockade in Balcombe. Children crying! More people needed!

Update (11:30am): Camp is growing and atmosphere is great. Come on down if you can!

Update (9:45am): Increase in police numbers at site. More people here would be useful.

Update (9:00am): Community blockade of site going strong. Camp up and running. Come on down!

Cuadrilla Tanker With Escort; Not Welcome In Balcombe

Cuadrilla Machinery Trying To Smash Up Blockade

Residents Arrested For Defending Sussex From Fracking







Community Blockade Of Fracking Site Entrance

Police Trying To Break Community Blockade For Cuadrilla

Camp Is Growing Outside Fracking Site

Local Residents Block Entrance To Cuadrilla’s Fracking Site

Camp Up And Running; People Tired But Happy