Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL]: A Video

This video shows it is a national issue, affecting many people and their communities.

There has been a large campaign, with much support over recent times. A planning application to extend the operation of the Eastcroft Incinerator in Nottingham was denied. WRG, the operators of the plant, appealed. This process has now been stopped and a new application has been lodged.

NAIL demoThis video shows it is a national issue, affecting many people and their communities.

There has been a large campaign, with much support over recent times. A planning application to extend the operation of the Eastcroft Incinerator in Nottingham was denied. WRG, the operators of the plant, appealed. This process has now been stopped and a new application has been lodged.

Now, folks have to go round again.

The film explains the background and dangers.

Video”>”>Video Video by George’s Brother – video/mpeg 90M