City Indians spread to Copenhagen: 4×4 drivers be warned

7th November 2007

For several months “City Indians” have been actively resisting the spread of gas gussling jeeps in Swedish cities. Now they have moved to Copenhagen.

Several groups of militant environmental activists known as “City Indians” have been actively resisting the wide spread use of so-called “city jeeps” in Swedish cities.

7th November 2007

For several months “City Indians” have been actively resisting the spread of gas gussling jeeps in Swedish cities. Now they have moved to Copenhagen.

Several groups of militant environmental activists known as “City Indians” have been actively resisting the wide spread use of so-called “city jeeps” in Swedish cities.

Their tactics are simply to have groups of activists roaming the streets, letting the air out of the tires on the big, gas-gussling jeeps. Wherever they go they leave a note for the car owners, explaining the impact the cars and their exhausts are having on the environment and encouraging them to use public transportation in stead.

The actions have resulted in car owners organising in vigilante groups threatening to kill the activists caught.

Now this phenomena has crossed to Denmark, where a new group of Indians have been on the prowl. The notes left behind are worded exactly like those in Sweden and so far the tactics have been very similar.